I have these two images.
I made them into graysclae images and then passed the two images to cvMatchImages
like so
Double someValue = cvMatchShapes(grayImage, grayImage2, CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I2, 0);
The value that was printed by sysout was 1.465496453484283. What is this value representing? How can i use it to match other images and also how can I reject those that do not?
the value means how different the two objects are,it represents the Hu moment feature distance between the two shapes. the smaller it is ,more similar the two objects are. A threshold can be used to perform the match like this: if output value is smaller than the threshold, two objects match, or the two objects differ. As to how to choose a threshold, it depends . you can use some instances to train the threshold. I strongly advise you to normalize objects in images to similar size.this will give you better accuracy