TL;DR available at the bottom
I've been trying to figure out a way to get two laptops (both running Ubuntu) to be able to pass basic messages back and forth without the need for them to be connected via a wireless network,either by an AP or ad-hoc. I want to reiterate here that ad-hoc networking is not what I'm looking for, I've seen many similar questions here with that as the answer.
I guess what I'm asking is: how do I achieve this? All I really need is for one computer to be able to send a packet, and then for another to pick it up via a packet sniffer of some kind.
Currently: I have both laptops in monitor mode (via a mon0 interface created from aircrack-ng's airmon-ng)so that they can sniff nearby traffic (with Wireshark, tcpdump,'s sample libpcap code, and opening a raw socket and just printing out all the packets. I tried each just because I thought one could be doing something differently/leaving something out). I also have a very basic program that consists of opening a raw socket to send crafted ethernet frames out to the air, but I can't get my two machines to see the other's packets. The sniffer running on each machine can only see the packets going out of that machine (in addition to nearby beacons/control traffic from wifi in the area).
Some things to note that might be important are:
-the packets I'm sending out appear in Wireshark (only on the sending machine) as malformed 802.11 packets (probably because I'm just filling them with junk data for now). I was under the impression that my other laptop would also see them as malformed packets, but it gets nothing
-the sockets I'm using are from a call to socket(PF_PACKET,SOCK_RAW,ETH_P_ALL). Raw sockets are something I just recently was aware of, so I could be misunderstanding how they work, but my impression is that I can craft a layer 2 packet by hand and ship out straight out to the wire/air.
If you're curious as to why I want to do something like this, it's part curiosity, part research for a project I'm working on. I want to streamline / automate the process of setting up an ad-hoc network, and what I'm trying to do here is for the laptops to do a small exchange to figure out the specifics of the adhoc network they are about to create and then make/join that network automatically, instead of either one person explicitly setting up the network OR having both people pre-decide the name, etc of the network and have both computers constantly trying to connect to that specific one.
I'm more interested if I'm going about this process in the right way rather than if my code works or not, if someone thinks me posting my (very basic, taken from another post on Stack Overflow) raw socket code will help, I can.
Edit: I am more than happy to post a complete set of code with instructions if I can get this working. I couldn't find much helpful info on this topic on the internet, and I'd love to put it up for future people trying to do the same thing.
TL;DR I want to send out a packet from one laptop and pick it up on another via a packent sniffer of some sort. No wifi network or ad-hoc network involved. Something akin to spoofing an AP's beacon frame (or similar) for the purpose of sending small amounts of data.
Edit 2:After some thought, perhaps what I'm looking for is some kind of raw 802.11 use? Having direct control of the wifi radio? Is such a thing possible?
I found out I was able to send packets out through my monitor mode interface as long as I had correct 802.11 with radiotap headers. I think the problem I was originally experiencing (not being able to sniff the packets) was because they were malformed and thus not actually getting sent out.
I was able to accomplish this by adapting the example code found here, courtesy of someone named Evan Jones, except I did not need to use an Atheros based card or Madwifi drivers, everything worked fine with the mon0 interface created with aircrack-ng.