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newQuad function limited to 5? Lua

I use Love2D with lua and when i use 5 quads ( It seems to work just fine, but when i use 6 quads there shows a weird error:

Error menu.lua:9: Incoorect parameter type: expected userdata.
Traceback [C]: in function 'drawq'
menu.lua:9: in function 'draw'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'

Menu line 9 is this:, Quads[number], x, y)

I assume it has something to do with the quads cause when i delete the sixth one from the tile map and the 6th quad it will load.

I tried to copy the other quads to see if i miss spelld something, but this is not the case.

Here is the code:





  • You are only defining 5 entries in the Quads table in your main.lua. If you look closely at mapsload.lua at MenuBack row 17, you will see the value 6 standing lonely among 1-5.

    Now when want to use Quads[6], that key is not in the table Quads. Therefore Lua returns nil. And as you can guess, nil is not userdata, that is why the function drawq fails.