I am having diagram similar to g.rapahel http://raphaeljs.com/graffle.html , i am storing shapes in the array like below code
var shapes = new Array();
var kx=50,ky=150;
var RecWidth=120;
var RecHeight=85;
var RecRadius=10;
r = Raphael(10,10, '60%', '100%');
for (var i=0; i<= 50; i++) {
shapes[i]=r.rect(kx, ky, RecWidth, RecHeight,RecRadius);
shapes[i].id="keylist"+i ;
Now suppose, i want to move shape[1] along with the window scroll with the connection line shown in graffle (above link).intention is that Shapes[1] (for simplicity, i am choosing this) should always there in the frame when scrolled. how to do this?.
Try this:
var originalTop = shape[1].getBBox().y;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var dy = $(window).scrollTop();
shape[1].animate({y: originalTop+y}, 300);