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Images in Sandcastle documentation

I would really like to add an image into the Sandcastle generated help file for a program.

I've followed the Sandcastle FAQ as closely as I can, and I still can't get the image to show up, although I have managed to get a little image placeholder to show up: Image Placeholder.

I'm fairly certain that the image path is correct, because when I had an incorrect path, there was an "X" placeholder instead of this one.

I've tried setting the BuildAction for the image to both Image (the default) and Content (recommended by the Sandcastle FAQ).

Here's what the XML comment looks like: <img scr="art/Image.png"></img>

I feel like I've done everything I can to get this to work, and the image still won't show up. If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions, I would really appreciate it.


  • The art directory needs to be relative to where the help file is generated. Typically the html dir. Like so:


    In this case:

    /// <summary>Super Great Method</summary>
    /// <remarks>A picture: <br />
    /// <img src="../art/myImage.jpg" />
    /// </remarks>

    This discussion might also prove useful to you MSDN Discussion

    When adding an image to a conceptual help file, this method apparently works.