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Is it possible to access CRAN webpage for previous R package versions?

Does CRAN maintain webpages for previous versions of R packages? E.g., but for version 0.10.1? I have tried Wayback Machine, but it is not sufficiently granular in all cases.

I'm trying to browse the dependencies of previous versions without having to download or install anything.


  • Answer to updated question: You can't on CRAN, but you can find the answer on github. From the main landing page, you can switch the branch from master to various versions, including 0.10.1 under Tags.

    CRAN does not necessarily make it easy but Posit package manager does. gt 10.1 is available here. Though Evan's comment clarifies they're actually asking a different question, for completeness thanks to @Ada Lovelace's comment, to get version 0.10.1, scroll down to the bottom. 0.10.1 is there under "Archived versions". Click on it for both the tar.gz and the code to install it: devtools::install_version('gt', '0.10.1').

    To kind of answer the clarified question, I believe you can download the tar.gz, extract the contents, and check the DESCRIPTION file to read the dependencies.