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Ria Service And OOB : check if service is reachable, MEF not importing my views

Hi currently I am trying to check if the Ria Service is available for our OOB application.

 public static void IsServiceReachable(Action onServiceAvailable, Action onServiceUnavailable)
            try {
                DomainContext context = new DomainContext();

                InvokeOperation<bool> invokeOperation = context.IsAlive();
                invokeOperation.Completed += (s, arg) => onServiceAvailable();
            catch (Exception) {

When the exception happen my App hangs, and is now just a white screen. Am I doing it correctly?

I am also using MEF in the app, I am lazy importing my views, sadly when Ria Service is not reachable, MEF doesnt import my views :( I am calling CompositionInitializer.SatisfyImports(this).

[ImportMany(AllowRecomposition = true)]
public Lazy<BaseUserControl, IViewMetadata>[] Views { get; set; }


  • Have you tried checking if an error has occured in the OnServiceAvailable callback:

    void OnServiceAvailable(object sender, EventArgs e)
        InvokeOperation op = sender as InvokeOperation;
        if (op.HasError) {
            Exception exception = op.Error;
        } else {

    You should probably rename OnServiceAvailable something like OnOperationComplete.

    You have to handle the errors in the callback - including the 'ServiceNotAvailable' error. Remember this is an asyncronous call - the client does does not wait for the server response before it continues.