I made an swt.graphics.Image object of a draw2d Layer containing draw2d polylines and few other figures like circles ellipses etc. I made a jpeg file from this Image object, all I can see are the ellipses, circles etc but no figures drawn using draw2d polylines(connection arrows, PolygonShapes etc) are present in the final jpeg file. I want the polylines also to be plotted and visible in the final jpeg file. Any ideas how i can do this? I have tried putting the Layer in a shell. But I have to display(which i should not do) the shell to the user using shell.open() only then the polyline shapes are visible in the final jpeg file. I guess the shell.open() forces the drawing of the shell and its children ( the Layer, the polylines etc). Is there are any workaround for not showing the shell but force the drawing on Layer for polylines?
Thanks and Regards Bharath
I got the solution for this. I called the validate() on the Layer. previously I was calling redraw(),Layout() etc on the FigureCanvas on which the Layer is present and there was no change. Now after calling the validate() on the Layer it seems to work.