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Create POST request to tumblr

I am trying to create a post request to the tumblr api. Shown below is an extract from said api:

The Write API is a very simple HTTP interface. To create a post, send a POST request to with the following parameters:
    email - Your account's email address.
    password - Your account's password.
    type - The post type.

These are the essential elements. I would like to send a photo to the api. According to the API, this is how I would structure my request:

email: myEmail
password: myPassword
type: photo
data: "c:\\img.jpg"

Thanks to dtb, I can send a REGULAR post, which only uses a string to send text, it does not support sending images.

var postData = new NameValueCollection
    { "email", email },
    { "password", password },
    { "type", regular },
    { "body", body }

using (var client = new WebClient())
     client.UploadValues("", data: data);

This works for sending a regular, however according to the API, I should send the image in a multipart/form-data,
alternatively I could send it in a Normal POST method,
however, filesizes are not as high as allowd with the former.

client.UploadValues supports data: which allows me to pass postData in to it.
client.UploadData also does but I cannot figure out how to use it, I have referred to the documentation.
Also, an opened file cannot be passed in a NameValueCollection which baffles me as to how I could possibly send the request.

Please, if anyone knows the answer I would be extremely grateful if you would help.


  • I was able to figure this out using RestSharp library.

    //Create a RestClient with the api's url
    var restClient = new RestClient("");
    //Tell it to send a POST request
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
    //Set format and add parameters and files
    request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json; //I don't know if this line is necessary
    request.AddParameter("email", "EMAIL");
    request.AddParameter("password", "PASSWORD");
    request.AddParameter("type", "photo");
    request.AddFile("data", "C:\\Users\\Kevin\\Desktop\\Wallpapers\\1235698997718.jpg");
    //Set RestResponse so you can see if you have an error
    RestResponse response = restClient.Execute(request);
    //MessageBox.Show(response) Perhaps I could wrap this in a try except?

    It works, but I'm not sure if it's the best way to do it though.

    If anyone has some more suggestions I will gladly take them.