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Background image JFrame with content

I have a JFrame with BorderLayout, there are panels on all sides (North, East ,...). In the panels there are labels and buttons mostly.

Now I want the frame to have a background image, some research told me that i had to change the content pane of my frame.

When I try this however, the content gets put in the background and isn't visible. Also, I don't know how to resize the image if the frame is resized.

Is there an easy fix for this or will I have to rework most of my code?


    1. put JPanel (or JComponent) with background Image to the BorderLayout.CENTER, then this JPanel fills whole JFrame area, rest of yout JComponents put to this JPanel

    2. there are Jpanels on all sides (North, East ,...). In the Jpanels there are Jlabels and Jbuttons mostly.

      these JComponents covered all available Rectangle for JFrame, then Background Image (from my 1st point) never will be dispalyed, because these JComponents are on_top JFrame and could be hide this Image as well,

    3. add JPanel with Background Image (from my 1st point), then put there another JPanel(s) with JPanel#setOpaque(false);, then this JPanel will be transparent, notice JPanel has implemented by default FlowLayout