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Does cluetip work on a link at the top right of a page?

I am using jquery cluetip and i have a link at the top right hand of the page and when i click it, I want the tool tip to show up at the bottom of where i click but instead it shows up either in the middle of the screen or at the top of the screen. Here is my code:

    width: '500px',
    showTitle: false,
    topOffset: 25,
    leftOffset: 5,
    positionBy: 'bottomTop',
    cluetipClass: 'jtip',
    activation: 'click',
    closeText: '<img src="/Content/Images/Icons/cross.png" alt="close" />Close',
    hoverIntent: {
        sensitivity: 7,
        interval: 100,
        timeout: 500
    sticky: true,
    mouseOutClose: true,
    ajaxSettings: {
        dataType: 'json'
    ajaxProcess: function (data) {

        var html = [];
        return html.join("");

I have tried changing positionBy to "auto" or "mouse" but it still doesn't work . . does cluetip simply not handle link on the right side of the screen at all ?


  • It looks like cluetip has trouble handling links on the right side when the size does not fit within the screen.

    I tried using positionBy: 'mouse' with leftOffset and topOffset and got it to appear slightly to the left side bottom of the link. Look at the second div in

    Hope it helps.

    Might be you can play with the left and top offsets and position it as you desired.