Geez, I tried this
@mixin prefix($property, $value){
#{$property}: -webkit-#{$value};
#{$property}: -moz-#{$value};
#{$property}: #{$value};
but i got this when used this @include prefix(display, border-box)
display: -webkit- border-box;
display: -moz- border-box;
display: border-box;
There is annoying space between prefix and css value. How to get rid of it? Thnx in advance!
Using your code and just swapping suffix to prefix works fine for me. This is the text string that I stuck into the Sass Try Online generator.
@mixin prefix($property, $value){
#{$property}: -webkit-#{$value};
#{$property}: -moz-#{$value};
#{$property}: #{$value};
h2 {
@include prefix(display, border-box)
The output looked like the following code:
h2 {
display: -webkit-border-box;
display: -moz-border-box;
display: border-box; }