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Controlling JAX-WS wsdlLocation attribute value's (absolute path) with jaxws-maven-plugin

I have a JAX-WS-driven web service whose WSDL we generate a web service client from in another Maven module (which I'll call ws-consumer).

For better or worse, we copy the "published WSDLs" (the version of the WSDL & XSDs that the service held/generated at point of release) to our src/wsdl folder of ws-consumer and then use jaxws-maven-plugin from org.jvnet to generate a client using jaxws:wsimport with the following (truncated) configuration:

                <!--phase>generate-sources</phase -->

Now, the generated client code has the following annotations applied at the class level:

@WebServiceClient(name = "MyWS", targetNamespace = "http://myws/blah", wsdlLocation = "**file:/C:/some/absolute/path/src/main/resources/META-INF/wsdl/MyWS/MyWS.wsdl"**)

emphasis mine

As you can hopefully see, the wsdlLocation attribute value has a hard-coded absolute path that is going to be incorrect when the service is deployed.

Is there any way I can "control" this by setting it to just META-INF/wsdl/MyWS/MyWS.wsdl or some other value?


  • It is possible with the Codehaus plugin:


    Perhaps the plugin you are using has a similar option or perhaps you can consider switching.

    You can also provision your WSDL explicitly, in which case this property is ignored, though that may not be appropriate in a container-managed application.

    Sample code here.