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Webstart runs with wrong version of JRE

I have a Java webstart application that requires Java 7+, so the JNLP has this line:

<j2se version="1.7+" href=""/>

This works on various Windows XP & Windows 7 machines (most of them also having Java 6 installed) but on one of them, webstart is launched with Java 6 and fails (wrong version of JRE). I found this post and checked the Java settings and they look fine:

enter image description here

I have also tried changing the JNLP line to this but it still does not work:

<j2se version="1.7+"/>

Any ideas on how to let webstart know that the JRE 1.7 is there?

Config: Windows 7, run as administrator - webstart application launched from IE.


  • I found the problem. I had Java 6 32bits & 64bits installed, but Java 7 only had the 64bits version installed. And I was launching the webstart link from Internet Explorer 32 bits, which I suppose cannot use a 64 bits version of JRE.

    Launching the webstart from IE 64 bits worked fine.

    Thanks for your comments, I figured the problem out while doing one of the manipulations you recommended.