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Writing Common Lisp code that executes from the command line, but not inside the interpreter

When writing Common Lisp code, I use SLIME. In particular, I compile the buffer containing definitions of functions by using C-C C-k, and then switch to the REPL to run those functions. Putting executable code to run those functions in the buffer does not appear to work so well. If the code has bugs it can make a mess.

It would be handy to have a way to include code that doesn't get compiled in the buffer, but do get run from the command line, e.g. when doing

sbcl --script foo.lisp

If that were the case, I would not have to keep adding and removing code every time I wanted to run code from the command line. Does there exist such a condition?

This is analogous to the Python condition.

if __name__=='__main__':

which is false if a Python file is imported as a module, but true if it is run as a script.

This blog post entitled "Using SBCL for Common Lisp shell scripting", found by random Googling, has

;; If run from command line, the following if-test will succeed

(if (> (length sb-ext:*posix-argv*) 1)

    ;; Code that is executed from the command line only goes here


The code included indeed does not get run by the compiler inside SLIME, but it doesn't get run by sbcl --script either.

UPDATE: Thanks to Vsevolod Dyomkin for his helpful answer and the followups. Some notes about that answer follow, compiled from the comments to that answer. @Vsevolod, if you add these to your answer, I'll delete them.

  1. First, I asked for a way to run code from the command line, but not from the interpreter. The supplied solution does more; it also gives a way to run code from the interpreter but not the command line.

  2. The first step is to define a reader macro function for the macro character #!. As stated in the link "Upon encountering a macro character, the Lisp reader calls its reader macro function". The reader function is defined by the call to set-dispatch-macro-character. So, when the #! character is seen, the set-dispatch-macro-character causes the lambda function defined in the body to be called. This function then adds the keyword :noscript to the *features* variable. See also a discussion of what reader macros are good for in the SO question Read macros: what do you use them for?.

  3. Observe that the keyword :noscript is added to *features* precisely when the #! character is present. Furthermore, the #! character is present when the code is run inside the interpreter e.g. when using slime, but apparently is absent (removed) from program's
    text by sbcl --script is run. Therefore, :noscript is added to *features* when the code is run in the interpeter, but not when run as a

  4. We now use the builtin reader macros #-/#+, which as Vsevolod said, behave similarly to the to C's #IFDEF/#IFNDEF. They check for a symbol
    in *features*. In this case, #-:noscript checks for the absence of :noscript, and #+:noscript checks for the presence of :noscript.
    If those conditions are satisfied, it runs the corresponding code. To wrap a block of code, one can use progn like this: #-:noscript (progn <your code here>).

  5. Finally, one needs to call set-dispatch-macro-character before running code that uses this functionality. In the case of sbcl, one can put it in the initialization file ~/.sbclrc. Observe that this approach does not depend on the Common Lisp implementation being SBCL.

  6. A simpler alternative, as mentioned in the sbcl-devel list, is to use the fact that the keyword :SWANK appears when one types *features* in
    a REPL inside emacs using SLIME. SWANK is the server side of SLIME. SLIME should probably more accurately called SLIME/SWANK, as these two are the client/server components of a client-server architecture. I found this blog post called Understanding SLIME, which was helpful.

    So, one can use #-:swank and #+:swank just like #-:noscript and #+:noscript, except that one doesn't need to write any code. Of course, this then won't work if one is using the command line interpreter sbcl, for instance, since then :SWANK will not appear in *features*.


  • You can use the following trick:

    1. Define a dispatch function for shebang:

      (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\!
          (lambda (stream c n)
            (declare (ignore c n))
            (read-line stream)
            `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
               (pushnew :noscript *features*))))
    2. In your script file use #-:noscript:

      #!/usr/local/bin/sbcl --script
      (defun test (a) (print a))
      (test 1)
      #-:noscript (test 2)
      #+:noscript (test 3)

      Executing ./test.lisp will print 1 and 2, while C-c C-k will output 1 and 3.


    This trick should work, because the shebang line is removed altogether by sbcl --script, but not removed, when the file is loaded through SLIME or other mechanisms.

    The drawback of this approach is that we condition on absence of :noscript in features, and not presence of :script. To amend it, pushing of the appropriate feature should be done in sbcl --script processing itself.