I have JBoss 4.2.3 running on one machine and I want to call an RMI client. On another machine I have an RMI server running. Both are using port 1099 to communicate. I was able to get both set up and running after a lot of configuration headaches and reading about Java's security policies. However, when I try and actually call a remote method from within a war file that I deployed inside of JBoss, I get the following error:
2012-03-20 17:22:29,402 ERROR -> (http-8443-25) [com.mvs.services] non-JRMP server at remote endpoint
How do I overcome this error?
Based on the error, it looks like you are connecting to http-8443 port which is HTTP over SSL. Are you sure you are connecting to 1099? If yes, maybe you have to use secure invocation (i.e. SSL).
This is a guess purely based on the error message and I could be way off.