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Writing via content pipeline in Xbox game project

I'm creating an Xbox application and I have this problem with the content pipeline. Loading .xnb files is not a problem but I can't seem to find any helpful tutorials on writing via the content pipeline. I want to write an XML whenever the user presses a custom made "save" button. I've searched the web for "saving game sate" etc. but so far I haven't found a solution for my case.

So, summarized: is there a way to write data (in XML format) via the content pipeline, if my Save() method is called?


  • Saving and loading during an XNA game involves a series of asynchronous method calls. You'll find the objects you need in the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage namespace.

    Specifically, you need a StorageDevice and a StorageContainer;

    private static StorageDevice mStorageDevice;
    private static StorageContainer mStorageContainer;

    To Save:

    public static void SaveGame()
       // Call this static method to begin the process; SaveGameDevice is another method in your class
       StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(SaveGameDevice, null);
    // this will be called by XNA sometime after your call to BeginShowSelector
    // SaveGameContainer is another method in your class
    private static void SaveGameDevice(IAsyncResult pAsyncResult)
       mStorageDevice = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(pAsyncResult);
       mStorageDevice.BeginOpenContainer("Save1", SaveGameContainer, null);
    // this method does the actual saving
    private static void SaveGameContainer(IAsyncResult pAsyncResult)
       mStorageContainer = mStorageDevice.EndOpenContainer(pAsyncResult);
       if (mStorageContainer.FileExists("save.dat"))
       // in my case, I have a BinaryWriter wrapper that I use to perform the save
       BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(new System.IO.BinaryWriter(mStorageContainer.CreateFile("save.dat")));
       // I save the gamestate by passing the BinaryWriter
       // then I close the writer
       // clean up
       mStorageContainer = null;

    Loading is very similar:

    public static void LoadGame()
        StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(LoadGameDevice, null);
    private static void LoadGameDevice(IAsyncResult pAsyncResult)
       mStorageDevice = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(pAsyncResult);
       mStorageDevice.BeginOpenContainer("Save1", LoadGameContainer, null);
    private static void LoadGameContainer(IAsyncResult pAsyncResult)
       mStorageContainer = mStorageDevice.EndOpenContainer(pAsyncResult))
       // this is my wrapper of BinaryReader which I use to perform the load
       BinaryReader reader = null;
       // the file may not exist
       if (mStorageContainer.FileExists("save.dat"))
          reader = new BinaryReader(new System.IO.BinaryReader(mStorageContainer.OpenFile("save.dat", FileMode.Open)));
          // pass the BinaryReader to read the data
       // clean up
       mStorageContainer = null;