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I don't understand how to do a remove_if not in c++

This code works but it is a bit limited so I want to remove something if it is not equal to a letter.

I know that I have to use ::isalpha instead of ::ispunct but I don't understand how to make it remove if it is not equal to :: isalpha. I have goggled this question but didn't get anywhere with the answers because I didn't understand them.

textFile[i].erase(remove_if(textFile[i].begin(), textFile[i].end(), ::ispunct), textFile[i].end());

Any Help is appreciated.


  • I haven't compiled, but this should work:

        remove_if(textFile[i].begin(), textFile[i].end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(::isalpha))),

    The links of interest here are:

    If standard functors didn't suffice, you could also implement your own:

    struct not_a_character : std::unary_function<char, bool> {
        bool operator()(char c) const {
            return !isalpha(c);

    Which can be used as:

        remove_if(textFile[i].begin(), textFile[i].end(), not_a_character()),