I have a website page where most of the visitor will spend their time on. The site uses PHP with Codeigniter and jQuery.
Problem: However, I believe tracking systems like Piwik calculate the time spent on a page by subtracting the time the visitor leaves that page to a new page from the time he loads the page.
Is there a way around this? Maybe use javascript to trigger the tracking system so it knows that the visitor is leaving the page?
Edit: I added some "salting" to the $id, I don't know.. I get the feeling that it's even more unique, even though I think it's a bit unlikely that there will be similar IDs due to the use of micro seconds but just to be extra sure
Something like this
Ajax request to StayAlive.php every 10 seconds
function pingPing(){
success: function()
setTimeout(pingPing, 10000);
PHP: StayAlive.php
function newUser(){
setcookie("id", $id, time()+3600*24*365);
//create new row in the database for that $id
if (isset($_COOKIE["id"])){
//check if the id is in the database
//if yes => time_spent+=10
//if no => newUser();