I have a relatively simple abstract class. I've simplified it further for this question.
public abstract class BaseFoo
public abstract string Identification { get; }
//some other abstract methods
public override bool Equals(object obj)
BaseFoo other = obj as BaseFoo;
if(other == null)
return false;
return this.Identification.Equals(other.Identification);
I'm trying to figure out how to write a unit test to ensure the object equals override works. I tried creating a mock, but when I cast the mock as an object and call Equals, it doesn't call my code in the abstract class. It just immediately returns false. Same if I add it to a list of object and call .Remove or .Contains on the list; still just returns false without hitting the code in my abstract class.
I'm using mstest and rhino mocks.
For completeness, here is a test that I would expect to work but doesn't:
public void BaseFoo_object_Equals_returns_true_for_Foos_with_same_Identification()
var id = "testId";
var foo1 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<BaseFoo>();
var foo2 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<BaseFoo>();
foo1.Stub(x => x.Identification).Return(id);
foo2.Stub(x => x.Identification).Return(id);
Of course, I figured it out right after I post the question...
I don't know if this is the correct way to do this, but it seems to be working. I told the stub .CallOriginalMethod()
public void BaseFoo_object_Equals_returns_true_for_Foos_with_same_Identification()
var id = "testId";
var foo1 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<BaseFoo>();
var foo2 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<BaseFoo>();
foo1.Stub(x => x.Identification).Return(id);
foo2.Stub(x => x.Identification).Return(id);
foo1.Stub(x => ((object)x).Equals(Arg<object>.Is.Anything)).CallOriginalMethod(OriginalCallOptions.NoExpectation);