Lets say I have two tables(A, B) like:
A {id, a, c}
B {id, b, c}
I have also their entities. I want to write an HQL so that the result set will be like (where A.c = B.c):
(a1, b1, c1)
(a2, b2, c2)
(a3, b3, c3)
Since on
clauses are not supported by hibernate I am stuck and I don't know how to write the query.
You have to use the cross join notation:
from A as table_a , B as table_b
where table_a.c = table_b.c
Of course there is no way to implement outer joins in this manner, so you might have some trouble if that's your case.
For the analogous case with criteria refer to: hibernate-criteria-joining-table-without-a-mapped-association