I'm using Spring boot with a native sequence query to get the next number in a sequence (it gets reset every year, so the auto-id field won't work).
How can I specify which database the query applies to?
@Query("select nextval('seq_item_number')", nativeQuery = true)
Editing for clarification - I do not want to connect to > 1 database at a time. I want to be able to deploy instance 1 and use Postgres, instance 2 and use MySQL, instance 3 and use SQL Server, etc...
Then, for native queries that are not ANSI supported, I want to have annotations like I can for MyBatis - one for each database and at runtime it will use the appropriate query. Here is an example (not valid code, but shows what I want to do):
@Query("select nextval('seq_item_number')", nativeQuery = true, dbVendor='postgresl'),
@Query("<some mysql query>", nativeQuery = true, dbVendor='mysql'),
@Query("<some mssql query>", nativeQuery = true, dbVendor='mssql')
Then, when my query is to be run, at runtime - Spring will pick the appropriate query based on the database that this instance is connected to.
I would like to specify the something like dbVendor = 'postgres'
for one query, and dbVendor = 'mysql'
for a different query so the repository method knows which native query to run based on my db vendor.
I've done this with MyBatis annotations before, can I do it with JPA?
I figured out the best way - create an interface and then create @Repository
annotated beans the implement the interface, one for each database vendor.
Then, when I deploy my app, I conditionally create the correct bean based on a profile.
Something like:
interface EntityNumberProvider {
fun nextNumber(): Long
fun resetNumberSequence(): Unit
class PostgresqlEntityNumberProvider(@Autowired entityManager: EntityManager)
: EntityNumberProvider {
// Postgres specific code
class MSSQLEntityNumberProvider(@Autowired entityManager: EntityManager)
: EntityNumberProvider {
// MSSQL specific code
Then, set the appropriate profile as active when I deploy and all good...