We're using Cargo with Maven on a build server to remotely deploy a WAR file from our build server to an internal QA server for testing.
Our current POM for the project is seen below, and works properly for a hot deployment.
The problem is that instead of a hot deployment, we would like the Cargo plugin to stop the Tomcat instance, deploy the new WAR, and then start Tomcat. Is there a way to alter the POM to manage this scenario?
Our Maven build is defined as:
mvn clean deploy ... cargo:redeploy
And the cargo plugin settings in the POM:
<cargo.jvmargs>-XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xmx1024m</cargo.jvmargs>
We had difficulties with Cargo. After a while, tomcat gets stuck and won't restart. Cargo does not permit to start/stop tomcat.
So what we eventually did was giving up cargo and using a script to restart tomcat at a distance from our jenkins machine. Also we share a folder on the integration machine used to deploy our wars. We also use the maven assembly plugin for our conf files and folders.