I'm almost there (I think) on being able to render a PDF with a servlet without saving it first. I've been able to successfully set it up, but I'm stuck at trying to make the PDF open in the client's browser with a Print Dialog initially.
I've been able to send my PDF to the client successfully with the following:
DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.parse(new StringBufferInputStream(buf.toString()));
OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
renderer.setDocument(doc, null);
But, I'm not sure how to put a print dialog on open of it. I've used this code for a physical PDF file, but I need to be able to read the contents of the OutputStream in as a byte array for input to the PdfReader (I think):
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("a_physical_file.pdf");
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, os);
stamper.setPageAction(PdfWriter.PAGE_OPEN, new PdfAction(PdfAction.PRINTDIALOG), 1);
Not sure how to do this with an OutputStream rather than an actual file...
I've also created an iText chat room if you would like to post there: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/8945/itext
Warning : I use an old version of Itext, so my experience may not be applicable.
PdfReader can use a byte array. so you could use a ByteArrayOutputStream as your first output stream, then use it to get the reader, instead of a filename.
Edit : Regarding your question :
i'm doing it the others way around : i'm working on a ByteArrayOutputStream and then writing it in the response stream :
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// creating / modifying the pdf
byte[] pdfoutput = out.toByteArray();
Edit 2 : the final solution (from the chat room)
DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.parse(new StringBufferInputStream(buf.toString()));
OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
renderer.setDocument(doc, null);
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(((ByteArrayOutputStream)os).toByteArray());
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, out);
stamper.setPageAction(PdfWriter.PAGE_OPEN, new PdfAction(PdfAction.PRINTDIALOG), 1);