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Implement #ifdef in Java

I have an algorithm written in C and it has code which can be handled by C preprocessor but as there is no preprocessor in java i don't know how to write java code to handle such thing. The C code is

#ifdef Tile_size_utility
#define print_error 0
#define print_error 1

How can i implement this in Java?


  •  Class ErrorVerbose { 
              private static boolean enabled = False;
              public static setEnable(boolean enable) 
                    enabled = enable;
              public static perror(String msg) {
                   if (enabled) {
                   /* Print */ 
     class YourClass {
               public YourClass(....,boolean status) {

    Well, yes, either you can make is a non static class so that other classes can enable / disable verbose. Advantage of making a ErrorVerbose class is that you add more info like time, date, function name (which called), etc which makes it more informative I just gave a skeleton.