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I can't activate VIsual SVN on Visual Studio 2010

I was using the trial version of VisualSVN until recently. When it expired, my employer purchased a license key which I entered by clicking on Registration on the VisualSVN menu.

However, even after doing this, all of the VisualSVN options are still greyed out, both in the toolbar and the context menu.

I have tried repairing Visual SVN, uninstalling and reinstalling it and repairing Visual Studio 2010, still no joy.

Have I missed a step in setting this up?


  • I also had trouble with the registration of VisualSVN.
    I have tried this method and resolved my problems. Follow these steps.

    1. Uninstall the previous installation of VisualSvn
    2. Search in the registry the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VisualSVN and remove it
    3. Search in the registry the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VisualSVN and remove it
    4. For x64 remove the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VisualSVN
    5. Reinstall VisualSvn and register your license

    Pay attention. If you have installed VisualSVN Server on the same development machine then, in the paths above, you will find also the info used by VisualSVN Server.
    These should not be removed....

    As always, when you mess with the registry editor, make a backup copy of everything you touch and be very very careful on what keys press to. Of course I can't be sure that this resolve your problem, I'd like to know.