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How does Visual Studio /mstest identify test projects?

Say (100% hypothetically) that I've accidentally added a unit test project as project type "Class library" to a VS2010 solution. I've then added the assemblies needed to run it as a Unit Test project, but MSTest won't pick up on it when I hit "Run all tests in solution". What are the criterias here?

I had a couple of theories, which all have failed so far:

  • Something in the .testsettings file (no references to any assemblies here as far as I can see)
  • Something in the .SLN file (can't find anything)
  • Something in AssemblyInfo.cs (no, it's not)
  • Implict by referencing the (...)UnitTestFramwork.dll (Obv not)



  • In the project file, there's an XML element with the name ProjectTypeGuids, that holds a few GUIDs that denote test project. Example as follows.


    Here's a list of known project type GUIDs for Visual Studio 2010:

    In the example above, it shows the project to be of type Test and Windows (C#).