Am pretty new to web services and have been trying to implement Soap Faults. I used Apache Axis2 to generate webservice in the following manner.
public interface XYZ{
public String myMethod(User[] user)
Here I have created a User class with some variables so that I can generate User object at .Net environment to pass User[] of objects.
Public class Webservice implements XYZ
Public String myMethod(User[] user){
//My implementation
Now, I created a dynamic project using Eclipse and with the help of Axis2 plugin I created webservice for my "Webservice" class which generates wsdl file. I deployed the webcontent in the Tomcat folder and able to access the WSDL file in the .Net environment. I am able to pass array of objects (User[]) from .Net to Java and able to do my task. Now, I need to implement Soap Faults in Java which I am not sure how to implement.
Can anyone help me with an example or tutorial ?
Your best bet is to Google for something like "jax-ws faults". For example:
You can also implement an error handler, as discussed under "Using handlers in JAX-WS Web services" here: