I have a page that includes a list of lists and I'd like to navigate it with WatiN:
<div id="NestedLists">
I don't know how to loop through just the direct decendents of an Element. I thought this would work (note use of Lists and ListItems):
var treeControl = browser.Div(Find.ById("NestedLists"));
var listOfLists = treeControl.Lists.First();
Console.WriteLine("Outer List:");
foreach (var list in listOfLists.ListItems)
Console.WriteLine("\tInner List:");
foreach(var listItem in list.ListItems)
Console.WriteLine("\t\tList Item: " + listItem.Text);
But that gives:
Outer List:
Inner List:
List Item: Sweet
List Item: Sour
List Item: Salty
Inner List:
Inner List:
Inner List:
Inner List:
List Item: Red
List Item: Yellow
Inner List:
Inner List:
Ok, this is actually a tougher question than I realized, but here's a partial solution.
The ChildrenOfType function can get the direct child of some elements including Div, List and ListItem. I've included a sample of how this works.
However, the problem with this sample is that when you display the text of a ListItem using .Text, not only is the immediate text displayed, but the text of the child elements as well.
At the very least, this sample code will provide a way to surf the list heirarchy. You could only output the text if the listItem has no child elements, but I don't know how well that works for your situation.
public static void listSurfer(Div div)
Console.WriteLine("Outer List:");
var innerLists = div.ChildrenOfType<List>();
var innerListItems = div.ChildrenOfType<ListItem>();
if (innerListItems.Count > 0)
foreach (var innerlist in innerLists)
Console.WriteLine("List Item: " + innerlist.Text);
listSurfer(innerLists, 1);
public static void listSurfer(ElementCollection<List> lstCollect, int depth)
foreach (List lst in lstCollect)
Console.WriteLine(tabNumber(depth) + "innerlist");
var innerLists = lst.ChildrenOfType<List>();
var innerListItems = lst.ChildrenOfType<ListItem>();
if (innerListItems.Count > 0)
foreach (var innerlist in innerListItems)
Console.WriteLine(tabNumber(depth + 1) + "List Item: " + innerlist.Text);
var subLists = innerlist.ChildrenOfType<List>();
if (subLists.Count > 0)
listSurfer(subLists, depth + 1);
if (innerLists.Count > 0)
listSurfer(innerLists, depth + 1);
public static String tabNumber(int count)
String tabs = "";
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
tabs = tabs + "\t";
return tabs;
private static int Main(string[] args)
Browser browser = new IE(@"C:\test.html");
var treeControl = browser.Div(Find.ById("NestedLists"));