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SQL Agent Run SSIS package as Administrator

I'm trying to run a SQL Agent Job with a step that is a SSIS File, and I need this step to be run as administrator.

My Package uses a Script task to download a file, as a Browser i Use WATIN.

I'm using a thread to start this browser because this browser control requires the thread to be set as Single-Threaded Apartment.

This browser control is requiring to be run as administrator.

I've already created a Credential for a user that is Windows Admin, a Proxy SSIS account. (SQL Agent user is not windows admin).

But the SSIS package is not run as administrator yet. I'm suspecting this is related to UAC.

Some details:

  • SQL Agent Account is not Windows Administrator
  • Using Windows Server 2008 R2
  • My Package is run from the File System.
  • The Package only works on BIDS if I run it as an Administrator (if not admin doesn't work)
  • The Proxy account the job step is configured to run is windows admin.

Any help is appreciated!


  • I've solved this in another way, The problem wasn't related to running the package as administrator, but creating a windows and setting focus to it, however I had the option to see the result file on the web page and I managed to use it, without downloading it, thus not needing to set focus on the download windows.

    Thanks for all the help.