I understand this is a little unorthodox.
Lets say I have this hash.
someHash = {
'item1' => '5',
'item2' => '7',
'item3' => '45',
'item4' => '09'
Using native js, or prototype or Jquery -- is there a method that will enable me to get the "key name" by just having the value?
I don't want all the keys, just the one that matches my value. Sorta of a like a map in reverse?
I am getting a return from the db which I get a "value" and I have to match that value with some js hash on the front end.
So the app hands me "45"... Is there a way to use js (prototype or jquery) to then get the key "item3"?
In order to get the keys which map to a given value you'll need to search the object properties. For example
function getKeysForValue(obj, value) {
var all = [];
for (var name in obj) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty(name) && obj[name] === value) {
return all;