A newbie here so apologies in advance for asking anything silly/obvious. I am trying to run a java application on a Gumstix overo board (linux kernel 2.6.34). So far, I have installed JamVm (jvm), jikes compiler and classpath libraries (as per instructions in this tutorial). I have run a HelloWorld program and it seemed fine.
Now when I try to run another application (say 'MyApp') that uses 'jpcap' libraries, the jvm gives me an error that looks like this: Exception during event dispatch: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native libarary 'jpcap' not found (as file 'libjpcap.so') in gnu.classpath.boot.library.path and java.library.path . . .
This application was compiled using Netbeans 7.1. It generated a dist folder whose structure is this:
dist: |-- MyApp.jar |-- Readme |-- lib (folder) |---|-- jpcap.jar |---|-- swing-layout-1.0.4.jar
The readme says that in order to deploy this application, one should go to the dist folder and type 'java -jar "MyApp.jar". When I do so ('jamvm -jar MyApp.jar'), I get the error mentioned above.
My gumstix board has got libpcap-1.1.1-r1.6 installed. (I found /usr/lib/libpcap.so.1 on my board.)
Does anyone know what's going wrong? Any advice would be highly appreciated.
Ps: I have posted this question on gumstix-users list just a few minutes ago . I am posting here as well just to have a better chance of a reply. Hope this is ok with everyone here.
The libjpcap.so
should be in gnu.classpath.boot.library.path
or java.library.path
as the error states. You can print these paths by getting them with System.getProperty("java.library.path")
but /usr/lib
is a good guess.