I've got a scenario where I need to run a Javascript interpreter in a .NET application. This is going to be running on Windows Phone 7, so it needs to be Compact Framework-compliant and because it probably won't be pre-packaged for Windows Phone source could help there.
Also the licensing can be an issue. We looked at using Jint which is under an MIT license, but it uses Antlr, which is under a BSD license (as I understand it Jint is in non-compliance for not redistributing the Antlr copyright and conditions). Any other alternatives out there?
Since this question was asked, Jurassic has been released. This is a .NET Javascript interpreter that works on the full CLR as well as the phone (or so they claim).
I haven't started to migrate to it yet, so I don't know if it works, but here it is for any of you that are interested.