I have a stand alone java application that receives SNMP messages via an SNMP trap. I am using SNMP4J library in my application. In the SNMP message received, I need to convert the event time field, which is in hexadecimal format, into a human readable format. The event time field received normally looks as follows for example:
eventTime*SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Hex-STRING:
07 DC 03 0C 12 15 2C 1F 2B 01 00
Can anyone tell me how I can convert the text '07 DC 03 0C 12 15 2C 1F 2B 01 00' into a human readable datetime value with or without the help of SNMP4J library? Thanks.
you can use Integer.parseInt("07dc", 16) and out 2012 pops, so this should give a hint of the year, the rest i'm sure you will figure out by yourself if this is indeed the year.