I've been using CUDA 4.0 for sometime now. I've recently downloaded and copied CUDA 4.1 new API (I need Thrust's lambda expressions support) but my solution's properties are still linked to the old 4.0 API. How do I change it dynamically? My guess is that I need to change the $(CudaToolkitLibDir)
variable, but how exactly?
edit : i'm asking this because i'm trying to use thrust::placeholders
To answer the specific question:
Looking at the comments, it's also clear you will need to install a CUDA 4.1 driver which you can download from the NVIDIA website. You said your program crashed on the first cudaMalloc()
when you updated to 4.1, you should check the error message (in general you should check all API calls for errors). The first CUDA API call will return an "Insufficient Driver Version" message if your driver is not up-to-date.