I am trying to send an email containing a file attachment created by the user.
attachments[document.display_name] = File.read(document.public_filename)
This works in most conditions (including .docx, but fails for .xlsx files with the error:
invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
I am using attachment_fu to upload the attachments, and delayed_job to defer sending the emails, however the file I am trying to attach looks ok, and I can open it successfully outside the application.
I also saw a suggestion to change the code as follows, but it does not seem to help: include an extra.
attachments[document.display_name] = { :content => File.read(document.public_filename), :transfer_encoding => :binary }
How can I make the code work for all attachment types?
You need to specify the mode or encoding to let it read the file as binary:
attachments[document.display_name] = File.read(document.public_filename, :mode => 'rb')
attachments[document.display_name] = File.read(document.public_filename, :encoding => 'BINARY')