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Compile several XSD's containing duplicate definitions of the same element with JAXB

Question: How do i make xjc/Jaxb generate the propper javaclasses for several schemas containing duplicate elementdefinitions in the same namespace?

Information: I have three .xsd schemas: A,B and C. All have the same targetnamespace. They are all 3 shemas that has been given to me, and i am not, in any way possible, allowed to change them in any way.

They A has some elements that is also found in B or C (but A has a lot of self declared elements as well) Example: This is the same "code" for A and C:

<xs:simpleType name="y_ym_ymdDatoType">
    <xs:union memberTypes="arcgYearType arcgYearMonthType arcDateType"/>
<xs:simpleType name="arcgYearType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:gYear">
        <xs:minInclusive value="1700"/>
        <xs:maxInclusive value="2100"/>
<xs:simpleType name="arcgYearMonthType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:gYearMonth">
        <xs:minInclusive value="1700-01"/>
        <xs:maxInclusive value="2100-12"/>
<xs:simpleType name="arcDateType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:date">
        <xs:minInclusive value="1700-01-01"/>
        <xs:maxInclusive value="2100-12-31"/>

When using xjc to compile them into javaclasses, i get the following exception:

[ERROR] 'y_ym_ymdDatoType' is already defined
 line 297 of file:../c.xsd

[ERROR] (related to above error) the first definition appears here
 line 309 of file:../a.xsd

and the same happens to the other elements: arcgYearType, arcgYearMonthType and arcDateType.

I have read about a binding file that maybe could solve this problem, but i am not sure on how to do it so examples will be highly preferred.


  • You can resolve conflicts manually using binding file. Here is the example, where you can specify your custom name for conflicting names:

    <bindings schemaLocation="../party.xsd" version="1.0" node="/xs:schema">
        <bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='FixedIncomeBook']">
            <class name="PartyFixedIncomeBook"/>