I've done plenty of searching around, looking into PhoneGap, but I'm still none the wiser as to whether I can achieve what I want to achieve with it.
Basically, my requirements for an app I want to create include the following:
I guess the thing that I'm not sure about is the stuff related to running the application in the background and having the desktop icon etc. I keep reading conflicting comments about whether PhoneGap applications are actually native or web applications...
My question is simple ... can I achieve what I have outlined above with PhoneGap, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Thanks in advance for any help/useful pointers.
The basic idea behind PhoneGap is that one can use the existing Web Technologies to write native application which can be installed on user phone. In a way PhoneGap is a combination of Web application and Native application.
Answer to your points:
All major devices has their own standard UI presentation due to which you might not find certain things visually/functionally similar on all.
Also major cross-development frameworks has good support for Android/iOS due to similarities in hardware/software features but lacks support for BlackBerry or WinMo (like local storage) due to various reasons. So if you are targeting for specific devices please also go through the feature supported list for each device/platform.