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Difference between list and [] in F#

I am porting some Haskell code to F# but a bit confused about the collections available and their signatures in F#. My understanding is that elements in lists are enclosed between [ ], sequences between { }, and arrays between [| |]. In F# Interactive, I get the following when I create each container with 5 ints.

// List
> [1..5]
val it : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

// Seq
> {1..5}
val it : seq<int> = seq [1; 2; 3; 4; ...]

// Array
> [|1..5|]
val it : int [] = [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5|]

What confuses me is that the type signature for arrays is int []. May be type int array or int [||] would be less confusing? Looking at the type signature, I tend to think it is a list, especially because an empty list is also represented as [].

One question here: why is sequence type seq<int> and not int seq. I am assuming this may be syntactic sugar but may be there is something else behind this.

Now creating new types using the collection:

type T1 = T1 of int list
type T2 = T2 of int seq // becomes type T2 = T2 of seq<int>
type T3 = T3 of int array
type T4 = T4 of int []

Is T3 and T4 the same thing?


  • F# allows you to use .Net style type definitions and ocaml style type definitions. These are the same.

    int list
    int seq
    int array

    Some Expressions in F# are

    [||] is an array
    [] is a list

    In a type definition you can also do int []. Which is C like syntax sugar. Yep, T3 and T4 are the same.

    You can't however do this []<int>. [] is a bit strange since it behaves as the type array in a type definition and as op_Nil in an expression.