I am pretty new to C, and I thought I would try to make a program which unscrambles a string input to reveal a real word and I have it working, but with some words I get unexpected results. Here is an example of it working correctly:
Enter Word:stop
Match: opts
Match: post
Match: pots
Match: spot
Match: stop Match: tops
I am using a word list that I got from a program called "aspell" which allowed me to create a file full of words. What's strange is when I enter a word like "test" or "football" the response brings back words that have letters that don't originally exist in the input word. What am I doing wrong here? The following is my unscrambleWord function, which does most of the work. Also, I will post the "football" example
int unscrambleWord(int fgLetters) {
// integer used for the counter
int i = 0;
// first make sure that the lengths of the word and of the list word is the same
if(strlen(currentLine) == strlen(input)) {
// loop through each letter in the word given
for(i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++) {
// search the line for the current letter, if we find it increment fgLetters
if(strchr(currentLine, input[i]) != NULL)
} // end for
// once we have finished looping through the word; evaluate fgLetters
if(fgLetters == strlen(input)) {
// fgLetters will be equal to the length of the word if each letter appears in the word
printf("\tMatch: %s \n", currentLine);
} // end if - evaluate length of fgLetters
// return the fgLetters after we have possibly incremented it
return fgLetters;
Here is the football example:
Enter Word:football
Match: blastoff
Match: boastful
Match: flatboat
Match: football
Match: lifeboat
Match: softball
For some reason, there are s's in the match strings, but the number of characters seem to be the same.
This algorithm gives false positives.
Every letter of the word football
is in the word softball
. But that doesn't mean you can reorder the letters to change the word. You match the two o
s to the same o
An easy way to find matches is to sort the letters and see that you get the same word.
football -> abflloot
softball -> abfllost