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Black Screen when i name my classes in Story Boards

Im using story boards and in the Custom Class panel of the specific view controller if i give the name of the class that contains code for that view controller i get a blank screen. What could be the problem? Ive tried everything.

SO basically Class is usually UIViewController in CustomClass. I changed it to MenuScreenViewController(a ViewController objective C class that has code associated with this) and im calling it modally. Why do i get a blank screen. Urgent help please.


  • My guess, once again:

    remove the implementation of - (void)loadView from your UIViewController subclass. You only need this method when you create your viewControllers view in code. When you create the view from a nib file or storyboard you must not have this method.

    But it's not your fault, the implementation is there because of a bug in the Xcode 4.3 viewController templates.

    EDIT: This bug is fixed in Xcode 4.3.2. The template does no longer contain - (void)loadView