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Azure DevOps Pipelines XCode 16.0 unable to find utility "actool"

We've just upgraded our Azure Pipelines XCode version from 15.4 to 16.0. We are using the Microsoft Hosted Agent, macOS-14. We have a Pipeline task doing the following:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
xcode-select -print-path
xcodebuild -version

However, when running the Pipeline we get the error:

xcrun: error: unable to find utility "actool", not a developer tool or in PATH

Was working great with 15.4 but we upgraded because in 15.4 we got MAUI compilation errors such as:

error MT4162: The type 'UIKit.NSAdaptiveImageGlyph' (used as a parameter in UIKit.UITextField.InsertAdaptiveImageGlyph) is not available in iOS 17.5 (it was introduced in iOS 18.0). Please build with a newer iOS SDK (usually done by using the most recent version of Xcode)

Any help what could be wrong?


  • Using

    sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

    And reverting to SDK 8.0.402 version in workload install worked