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Weblogic could not find class in WEB-INF->classes directory

I have a very weird problem.That my web project deployed to the Weblogic 10.0,Monday afternoon,and every thing works fine.But the next day morning, i checked the application, it reported could not find class that i write myself below the WEB-INF->classes directory.

I also use ant to build my project,But the same war file works on Weblogic10.3 and Tomcat5.5.So it may be the Weblogic 10.0's issue.But i also test it in another environment which have Weblogic 10.0, and it could not work too.

So could anyone can help with it ? I work a whole day yesterday to figure this out. Even change the JDK to recompile the code and war file.

Please Help or leave something that helps, Thanks!


  • i finally figure the issue out. That cause the jdk version matters. The annotation "@override" in jdk1.5 was not supported as in jdk1.6. And the Weblogic10.0 still use the jdk1.5, so it matters.