I work with Netbeans 7.0.1 for a research project. My issue is that each time I want to check the javadoc for a given function or class (from the auto-completion menu), Netbeans downloads Javadoc and caches it only while it's running. If I restart Netbeans, I have to download the javadoc again.
Is there a way to tell Netbeans to cache the Javadoc for ever? I work with Mac OS.
It seems strange that you download the Javadoc everytime... To configure javadoc in Netbeans :
Tools -> Java Platforms
Choose your JDK, the in the pane Javadoc the URL should be :
If you have problem with this remove it and download the javadoc zip and add it instead of the url.
JDK8 updated link (thanks @Tim S) : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/jdk8-doc-downloads-2133158.html
JDK 14 updated link: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk14-doc-downloads.html