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Eclipse WebContent directory deployment in tomcat

In Eclipse, the folder structure when I create a Dynamic Web Project is

[srikanth@hana Sample]$ ls -R
build  src  WebContent




index.html  META-INF  scripts  WEB-INF



lib  web.xml


As you can see, there is this WebContent directory, When I copy the directory structure from Eclipse workspace and put in webapps directory of Tomcat, it didn't work. But, if I moved all the directories and files under WebContent directory a level above, it worked fine.

This is the folder structure in Tomcat's webapps directory under application:

[srikanth@hana Sample]$ ls -R 
build  index.html  META-INF  scripts  src  WEB-INF






lib  web.xml


So, now I can just go to http://localhost:8080/Sample and can go to index.html properly

What am I doing wrong? Why didn't it work just copying the application from Eclipse to tomcat webapps directory directly? Why do I have to change the directory structure?


  • When I copy the directory structure from Eclipse workspace and put in webapps directory of Tomcat, it didn't work. But, if I moved all the directories and files under WebContent directory a level above, it worked fine

    Not sure what you mean if I moved all the directories and files under WebContent directory a level above, it worked fine here and what you mean by saying a level above.

    What you should be doing is not copy anything manually but right-click on the project and select Export as WAR option.
    This will create a file named Project.war that contains the proper file structure i.e. WEB-INF etc that you are supposed to put under tomcat's webapps dir