How do you use createDocumentFragment to create seven nested div elements in one hit?
I want to create a container A which contains A1, A2, A3 & A4, and then A2a & A2b within A2.
Note: this is a follow-up question to this which explained createDocumentFragment, but not how to nest divs using it. The answer given was as follows (which was helpful as far as it went):
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
function u1(tag, id, className){
var tag = document.createElement(tag); = id;
tag.className = className;
// call u1() seven times
Could someone explain how to nest? The above just adds seven children to 'foo'. I've trawled the web, but to no avail.
Rather than calling appendChild on the fragment (which creates a top level object in your fragment), you call appendChild on one of the other objects in your fragment and that nests into that object. Here's a pseudo code example that puts tag2 nested into tag.
var tag = document.createElement(tag); = id;
tag.className = className;
var tag2 = document.createElement(tag); = id2;
tag.className = className2;
Note: you can also set tag.innerHTML and create a whole host of objects (including as many layers of nesting as you want) just from that HTML.