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How can I call JavaScript code from an XForms action?

I'm trying to call a javascript on a button click in XForm. Seems to be an easy task but... I've programmed everything as it is described here and have this added to my xml :

    <xforms:label>Increment foo with JavaScript</xforms:label>
    <xxforms:script ev:event="DOMActivate">

But I get this error wher the page has loaded :

Fatal error: The prefix "ev" for attribute "ev:event" associated with an element type "xxforms:script" is not bound

Did I miss some thing?


  • This means that the namespace prefix ev is not visible from the <xxforms:script> element.

    As @grtjn mentions in his comment, you have to add the proper XML namespace declaration. For example at the top of your document:

        xmlns:ev = ""

    Note that in recent builds of Orbeon Forms, the prefix on event attributes is now optional, so you can write things like:

    <xxforms:script event="DOMActivate">

    But this might not be supported by other implementations.