I want to bind
(defun switch-to-next-frame ()
"Select the next frame on current display, and raise it."
(other-frame 1)
to M-s
in emacs? I tried:
(global-unset-key "\M-s")
but it doesn't work. The problem is - M-s
is a prefix key.
Edit 2:
I made myself terribly unclear. I wanted to bind to switch-to-next-frame
to M-s
. I tried:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s") 'switch-to-next-frame)
it didn't work: emacs was doing M-s-
when I had been pressing M-s
. I thought - the problem was the M-s
being a prefix key. I tired to unbind it - but it didn't work out. Then I came here and asked this question. As I found out later - the problem was with my .emacs
- when I commented out icicles
it all started to work as expected.
Edit 3:
Actually dired is realy using M-s
a prefix key:
M-s a Prefix Command
M-s f Prefix Command
M-s f C-s dired-isearch-filenames
M-s f ESC Prefix Command
M-s a C-s dired-do-isearch
M-s a ESC Prefix Command
M-s f C-M-s dired-isearch-filenames-regexp
M-s a C-M-s dired-do-isearch-regexp
So binding to M-s is a realy bad idea.
The following should work:
(global-set-key [(meta s)] 'switch-to-next-frame)