I am not sure what is the correct way of writing the code, or is it even a possible jquery format.
I have
for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
var inner = $('<div/>', {text: 'it works'});
var x = ' xyz ';
var row = $('<div/>', {
id: 'foo',
'class': 'abc',
html: 'test'+ x + inner.text(),
css: {'padding-left': '5px'}
The output is test xyz [object Object]
What is the correct syntax for displaying the inner variable so that the correct output would be 'test xyz it works' ?
I know that it would work with using inner.appendTo(row)
A secondary question: If I could get the code to work, what would be faster? appendTo or defining the html with a variable.
You'll want html: 'test' + x + inner.html();
or html: 'test' + x + inner.text();