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How to see if an IP address belongs inside of a range of IPs using CIDR notation?

Here I have a static reference the ranges I need to check:

private static List<string> Ip_Range = new List<string>()

Here's some pseudo code on how I see it working:

public static bool IpIsWithinRange(string ip) //Something like or
    IPAddress incomingIp = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
    foreach (var subnet in Ip_Range)
        IPAddress sub = IPAddress.Parse(subnet); ?????
        if (incomingIp "is in" sub) ?
            return true;            
    return false;

Any suggestions on how to code up this functionality?


  • Decided to answer my own question so people can benefit. If it can be improved, please do!

    I used the IPNetwork library and it worked out fantastically!

    nuget install IPNetwork2

    Below is the code I used:

    using System.Net;
    public static class RedirectHelpers
        public static bool IpIsWithinBoliviaRange(string ip)
            IPAddress incomingIp = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
            foreach (var subnet in Bolivia_Ip_Range)
                IPNetwork network = IPNetwork.Parse(subnet);
                if (IPNetwork.Contains(network, incomingIp))
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static List<string> Bolivia_Ip_Range = new List<string>()